Job Seekers

We help people looking for employment or a career change. We provide a free, confidential employment support service.

Who do we support?

We support people who have a disability, mental health difficulty, or are recovering from illness or injury who need help to find a job.

We help jobseekers who are motivated and committed to find employment​. We also support people who are in employment and need help to continue in their job or progress in their career.

Are you a graduate? Have you completed a further education course? Are you participating in or completing a community training or employment programme? Perhaps you have no formal education. Our clients are diverse. Every person develops an individual employment plan.

You can be on any social welfare payment, or none, to get support from EmployAbility. You do not have to be on a disability payment.

We can support jobseekers who avail of other support services by working in partnership with them.

How do I apply or register for EmployAbility?

Call into our office and have a chat to find out about what supports we offer. You can bring a friend or family member along with you if you like.

Call us on 065 6844007.

We are funded by the Department of Social Protection. We receive a referral form from DSP for each new jobseeker.

We will tell you how to get this from your local social welfare office.

How do we support people?

One of our employment facilitators will provide employment supports to you for up to 18 months in your local area. The support and service you get depends on how much help you need.

You will get help to identify your employment or career goals and develop an employment action plan. You will develop a CV that reflects your skills, experiences and interests. Your job searching will be targeted and you will be helped with interview preparation. We can support you in employment as needed.

Jobseekers must be available to attend regular meetings with their employment facilitator.

Preparation for Work

If you have never been in paid employment we will look for suitable work experience placements or arrange workplace visits to learn more about specific jobs.

Job Sourcing

We help you look for jobs that match your skills and abilities. This may involve contacting employers on your behalf or supporting you to contact employers directly.

Telling an employer about a disability or health condition: You may be unsure about how or when to disclose your illness, injury or disability. We can discuss the pros and cons of various approaches and help you figure out what works best for you.

Interview Preparation

You want to give yourself the best chance of being successful at interviews. We can help by going through practice questions with you and helping you to plan how best to present yourself on the day.

Workplace Support

We can also support you in the workplace. Most of us are a little nervous and unsure starting a new job. You can discuss with your Employment Facilitator what kind of support you need to settle into in your new job.

Social Welfare

We will help you get information on government employment services, supports and payments.

EmployAbility Clare has a structured support process

EmployAbility Clare's client support process has a range of different elements and activities. Every client gets a servie and supports tailored to their individual needs.

Client Support Process.jpg_1692021184

Stage 1

Referral & Initial Contact

  • Stakeholders & Community Engagement
  • Client Engagement & Meeting
  • Register with the service

Stage 2

Employment Assessment &
Career Planning​

  • Getting to know you.
  • Identifying challenges and any support needs.
  • Helping you to identify your skills and abilities
  • Preparing CVs and references
  • Matching your skills to suitable jobs
  • Developing an action plan for job searching

Stage 3

Job Sourcing

  • Providing support to help you look for work.
  • Working together to find a job
  • Helping you to prepare for interview
  • Helping to agree the terms and conditions of employment

Stage 4

Employed with Support

  • Training you on the job,
  • Helping you develop your work skills
  • Mentoring
  • Accessing grants
  • Supporting your employer

Stage 5

Working Independently

  • Needing less support over time
  • Working without support
  • Exit from EmployAbility

How We Work

Our Employment Facilitators use specialist skills and experience to guide individuals on their employment journey, including:

  • Empathy, building trust and rapport
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Coaching and client goal setting
  • Creativity for diverse and complex support needs
  • Career advice and guidance
  • Empowerment and encouragement
  • Working in partnership - walking 'beside' the person
  • Exploring different pathways to work based on individual skills and preferences
  • Introduction to the world of work
  • Ensuring a good job match
  • Linking with other support organisations
  • Building good relationships with businesses and employers

Pathways to Employment

We link with local education, training and community supports to help you develop your skills and confidence.

A full list of part time and fulltime courses on offer in Clare and Limerick is available at

Job Search Resources

There is plenty of help available online. Accenture’s Skills to Succeed is a good resource. We can help you register with the programme and you can choose different modules. The videos on interview preparation and feedback are very useful.

Careers Portal is another good resource. The self-assessment section helps you figure out your career interests and describe your skills.

Self Employment Supports

Have you a business idea you would like to explore?

We have helped a number of people set up a small business. We link with Clare Local Enterprise Office who have very good supports for small enterprises.

Are you ready for work?

As part of your employment action plan we will help you assess if you are job ready. Have a look at some of the things that are important and can help you become more job ready.

Towards Work - Supports for Jobseekers with a Disability

Towards Work is a non profit organisation and free service for jobseekers with a disability

Contact: ​

Call, text or WhatsApp to 085 143 5159​

Video call can be arranged by email or text.​ Open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.